
RepCap Settings

# Range: Nr1 .. Nr5
rc = driver.configure.multiEval.limit.gmsk.powerVsTime.lower.upart.dynamic.repcap_rangePcl_get()

SCPI Commands

class Dynamic[source]

Dynamic commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands Repeated Capability: RangePcl, default value after init: RangePcl.Nr1

class DynamicStruct[source]

Structure for setting input parameters. Fields:

  • Enable: bool: OFF | ON Disable or enable dynamic correction

  • Pcl_Start: float: numeric First PCL in PCL range Range: 0 to 31

  • Pcl_End: float: numeric Last PCL in PCL range (can be equal to PCLStart) Range: 0 to 31

  • Correction: float: numeric Correction value for power template Range: -100 dB to 100 dB, Unit: dB

get(usefulPart=<UsefulPart.Default: -1>, rangePcl=<RangePcl.Default: -1>)DynamicStruct[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIMit:GMSK:PVTime:LOWer:UPARt<nr>:DYNamic<Range>
value: DynamicStruct = driver.configure.multiEval.limit.gmsk.powerVsTime.lower.upart.dynamic.get(usefulPart = repcap.UsefulPart.Default, rangePcl = repcap.RangePcl.Default)

These commands define and activate dynamic (PCL-dependent) corrections to the lower limit lines for the measured power vs. time. The corrections apply to the modulation schemes GMSK, 8PSK (EPSK) or 16-QAM (QAM16) . Each limit line section can consist of different areas (<no>) . Each dynamic correction is defined for up to five different PCL ranges (<Range>) ). In the default configuration, the dynamic corrections for all lower limit lines are set to zero and disabled.

param usefulPart

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Upart’)

param rangePcl

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Dynamic’)


structure: for return value, see the help for DynamicStruct structure arguments.

set(structure: RsCmwGsmMeas.Implementations.Configure_.MultiEval_.Limit_.Gmsk_.PowerVsTime_.Lower_.Upart_.Dynamic.Dynamic.DynamicStruct, usefulPart=<UsefulPart.Default: -1>, rangePcl=<RangePcl.Default: -1>)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIMit:GMSK:PVTime:LOWer:UPARt<nr>:DYNamic<Range>
driver.configure.multiEval.limit.gmsk.powerVsTime.lower.upart.dynamic.set(value = [PROPERTY_STRUCT_NAME](), usefulPart = repcap.UsefulPart.Default, rangePcl = repcap.RangePcl.Default)

These commands define and activate dynamic (PCL-dependent) corrections to the lower limit lines for the measured power vs. time. The corrections apply to the modulation schemes GMSK, 8PSK (EPSK) or 16-QAM (QAM16) . Each limit line section can consist of different areas (<no>) . Each dynamic correction is defined for up to five different PCL ranges (<Range>) ). In the default configuration, the dynamic corrections for all lower limit lines are set to zero and disabled.

param structure

for set value, see the help for DynamicStruct structure arguments.

param usefulPart

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Upart’)

param rangePcl

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Dynamic’)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.multiEval.limit.gmsk.powerVsTime.lower.upart.dynamic.clone()