
SCPI Commands

class Setup[source]

Setup commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

class SetupStruct[source]

Structure for setting input parameters. Contains optional setting parameters. Fields:

  • Segment_Length: int: integer Number of steps or frames in the segment, depending on the configured step length ([CMDLINK: CONFigure:GSM:MEASi:MEValuation:LIST:SLENgth CMDLINK]) . If the step length is set to OFF, the segment length is defined in frames. So the number of slots in the segment equals 8 * SegmentLength. If a step length is defined (1 to 8) , the segment length is defined in steps. So the number of slots in the segment equals StepLength * SegmentLength. Range: 1 to 3000

  • Level: float: numeric Expected nominal power in the segment. The range of the expected nominal power can be calculated as follows: Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) + External Attenuation - User Margin The input power range is stated in the data sheet. Unit: dBm

  • Frequency: float: numeric Range: 100 MHz to 6 GHz, Unit: Hz

  • Pcl: int: Optional setting parameter. integer Expected power control level for the segment Range: 0 to 31

  • Retrigger_Flag: enums.RetriggerFlag: Optional setting parameter. OFF | ON | IFPower Specifies whether a trigger event is required for the segment or not. The setting is ignored for the first segment of a measurement and for trigger mode ONCE (see [CMDLINK: TRIGger:GSM:MEASi:MEValuation:LIST:MODE CMDLINK]) . OFF: measure the segment without retrigger ON: wait for trigger event before measuring the segment IFPower: wait for ‘IF Power’ trigger event before measuring the segment

  • Evaluat_Offset: int: Optional setting parameter. integer Number of steps at the beginning of the segment which are not measured Range: 0 to 1000

get(segment=<Segment.Default: -1>)SetupStruct[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<nr>:SETup
value: SetupStruct = driver.configure.multiEval.listPy.segment.setup.get(segment = repcap.Segment.Default)

Defines the length, the analyzer settings, the expected PCL, retrigger setting and evaluation offset of a selected segment. In general, this command must be sent for all measured segments (method RsCmwGsmMeas.Configure.MultiEval.ListPy. lrange) . The PCL values are used if the global ‘PCL Mode: PCL’ is set (method RsCmwGsmMeas.Configure.MultiEval. pclModePCL) . They can affect the limit check results; see ‘PCL Mode’. The current GSM band setting (method RsCmwGsmMeas. specifies the exact meaning of the PCL; see Table ‘GSM power control levels’.

param segment

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Segment’)


structure: for return value, see the help for SetupStruct structure arguments.

set(structure: RsCmwGsmMeas.Implementations.Configure_.MultiEval_.ListPy_.Segment_.Setup.Setup.SetupStruct, segment=<Segment.Default: -1>)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:GSM:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIST:SEGMent<nr>:SETup
driver.configure.multiEval.listPy.segment.setup.set(value = [PROPERTY_STRUCT_NAME](), segment = repcap.Segment.Default)

Defines the length, the analyzer settings, the expected PCL, retrigger setting and evaluation offset of a selected segment. In general, this command must be sent for all measured segments (method RsCmwGsmMeas.Configure.MultiEval.ListPy. lrange) . The PCL values are used if the global ‘PCL Mode: PCL’ is set (method RsCmwGsmMeas.Configure.MultiEval. pclModePCL) . They can affect the limit check results; see ‘PCL Mode’. The current GSM band setting (method RsCmwGsmMeas. specifies the exact meaning of the PCL; see Table ‘GSM power control levels’.

param structure

for set value, see the help for SetupStruct structure arguments.

param segment

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Segment’)